Thursday, September 12, 2013

Project 2: Animation In-Process: "Look Inside"

        In this project I attempted to do animate as much as possible without distracting the eye too much. I tried to use a lot of the effects but not many of them worked well with the skeletons or removed the textures I liked so much. I did use the "glow" effect on the ribcage, brain, and the two heads in the center in hopes to soften the harsh edges and create a "dreamier" atmosphere. I decided not to use any of the candy layers from my original montage because I believed it might take away from my — not so planned — theme. 
I went for a very psychedelic approach to stick to the topic of Introspective. The colors, rotations, and flow were all attempts to please the eye. As Aldous Huxley says:

“Everything seen by those who visit the mind’s antipodes is brilliantly illuminated and seems to shine from within. All colors are intensified to a pitch far beyond anything seen in the normal state, and at the same time the mind’s capacity for recognizing fine distinctions of tone and hue is notably heightened.”

        Overall, I am happy with my first attempt at Adobe After Effects. I wish I had managed my time better so that I could tinker more with effects. There were so many possibilities with the layers I had that it was starting to become overwhelming! I will know better the next time I use this program... hopefully.  

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