Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Project 5: Tactical Media

The Original Website
I try not to be confrontational and I mostly go with the flow of things. This project was tough because, although I feel strongly about a lot of things and do possess strong opinions, I try not to shove them in anyone's face. But I guess that is also what is easy about this project; you can get your point across in ways people can understand without (hopefully) doing much damage. I recently saw a post online that was calling our government "Worse Than the Galactic Empire." I thought to myself, "Now, that's a bit much" but thanked that looney that posted it for the inspiration to do this website. In a sad attempt to be a creative activist I chose the most confrontational site at the time: HealthCare.Org. I had fun photoshoping Obama Wan Kenobi and revisiting my Star Wars nerdom. I decided to call it RebelCare as I view the Rebel Alliance to be similar to Single Payer advocates. It was a lot of work but I am hoping I got the point across. The New Hope plan is based on the Marketplace, an area that essentially educates the masses on universal healthcare (RebelCare) and walks you through the process of what to do. Seeing as many seem to be 'at war' with insurance companies (the Galactic Empire) over this, I thought Star Wars was an appropriate choice. Enjoy!

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